5.2 Return codes

Return code





Successful operation




Client-side error with error message returned




Appliance error with error message returned





NOTE: If an error occurs, indicated by a return code 4xx or 5xx, an ErrorMessage is returned. The expected resource model is not returned.

5.3 URI format

All URIs point to resources. The client does not need to create or modify URIs. The URI for a resource is static and uses the format https://{appl}/rest/resource category/resource ID where:

https://{appl}Appliance address
/restType of URI
/resource categoryCategory of the resource (for example server-profiles)
/resource instance IDIdentifier of specific resource instance (optional)

5.4 Resource model format

The resources support JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for exchanging data using a REST API. If not otherwise specified in the REST API operation, the default is JSON.

5.5 Log in to the appliance using REST APIs

When you log in to the appliance using the login-sessionsREST API, a session ID is returned. You use the session ID in all subsequent REST API operations in the auth header, except as noted in REST API Request Headers. The session ID is valid for 24 hours.

Log in

Log out









Request headers

Request headers

REST API Request Headers


Request body

REST API Request Headers


Request body

NOTE: This is an example of a local log in on the appliance.


If you are using a directory service, you must add the following


attributes: authnHost and authLoginDomain.

204 No Content



The LoginSessionIdDTO that includes the session ID




5.6 REST API version

When you perform a REST API operation, a X-API-Versionheader is required. This version header corresponds to the REST API version of software currently running on the appliance. To

72 Using the REST APIs and other programmatic interfaces