Example 9 Sample restore.ps1 script

#(C) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.


# Name: restore.ps1

#Usage: {directory}\restore.ps1 or {directory}\restore.ps1 -status https://{ipaddress}

#Purpose: Uploads a backup file to the appliance and then restores the appliance using the backup data

#Notes: To improve performance, this script uses the curl command if it is installed. The curl command

#must be installed with the SSL option.

#Windows PowerShell 3.0 must be installed to run the script


#Notifies the computer that this is a trusted source we are connecting to (brute force, could be refined) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }

#The scriptApiVersion is the default Api version (if the appliance supports this level

#or higher). This variable may be changed if the appliance is at a lower Api level. $global:scriptApiVersion = 3

##### Obtain information from user #####

function query-user ()




Obtains information needed to run the script by prompting the user for input.


None, does not accept piping


Outputs an object containing the obtained information.


$userVals = query-user


Write-Host "Restoring from backup is a destructive process, continue anyway?"

$continue = 0 do


$earlyExit = Read-Host

if ($earlyExit[0] -eq 'n')




elseif ($earlyExit[0] -ne 'y')


Write-Host "please respond with a y or n"




$continue = 1


} while ($continue -eq 0)



Write-Host "Enter directory backup is located in (ie: C:\users\joe\)" $backupDirectory = Read-Host

# Add trailing slash if needed

if (!$backupDirectory.EndsWith("\"))


$backupDirectory = $backupDirectory + "\"


Write-Host "Enter name of backup (ie: appliance_vm1_backup_2012-07-07_555555.bkp)" $backupFile = Read-Host

# Check if file exists

$fullFilePath = $backupDirectory + $backupFile if (! (Test-Path $fullFilePath))


Write-Host "Sorry the backup file $fullFilePath doesn't exist."


} while (! (Test-Path $fullFilePath))

Write-Host "Enter appliance IP address (ie:" $hostname = Read-Host

# Correct some common errors

$hostname = $hostname.Trim().ToLower() if (!$hostname.StartsWith("https://"))


if ($hostname.StartsWith("http://"))


$hostname = $hostname.Replace("http","https") } else {

$hostname = "https://" + $hostname



284 Backup and restore script examples

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Image 284
HP OneView manual Example 9 Sample restore.ps1 script