
Tab Stops

Specifies the number of spaces between tab stops.


Administration/Emulations/Lineprinter/Tab Stops

Choices 0-256

Default 8

Setting PostScript Parameters

Emulation Level

This menu allows you to select a PostScript emulation level.


Administration/Emulations/PostScript/Emulation Level




Level 2—For PostScript Level 2 files and most Level 1 files.


Level 1 B/W—For files that contain only black-and-white


PostScript Level 1 operators. This mode does not support


the PostScript color operators; the use of color operators


could cause the print job to fail.


Level 1 Color—For files that contain color PostScript Level 1


operators. This mode accepts color PostScript Level 1


operators and translates these commands to the


appropriate grayscale. This is the recommended setting for


Level 1 compatibility since it contains all of the commands


in Level 1 B/W and the color commands.




Level 2




In general, we recommend that you use the Level 2 option.


Use the Level 1 B/W and Level 1 Color options only if you have


files prepared in an application which is not fully compatible


with Adobe’s PostScript Level 2 page description language.



Printer Configuration
