Chapter 6. Advanced Setup and Configuration
Directive | Description | Required |
| Server runs. The default is |
| user nobody on Linux and |
| Solaris and daemon on |
| |
| changed for most |
| deployments. |
SuiteSpotGroup | Specifies the group as which | No |
| the servers will run. The |
| default is group nobodyon |
| Linux and Solaris and daemon |
| on |
| changed for most |
| deployments. |
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL | Specifies the LDAP URL that | Yes |
| is used to connect to your |
| configuration directory. LDAP |
| URLs are described in the |
| Directory Server |
| Administrator's Guide. |
AdminDomain | Specifies the administration | No |
| domain under which this |
| Directory Server instance is |
| registered. See Section 2.8, |
| “Administration Domain” for |
| more information about |
| administration domains. |
ConfigDirectoryAdminID | Specifies the user ID of the | No |
| user that has administration |
| privileges to the configuration |
| directory. This is usually |
| admin. |
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd | Specifies the password for | Yes |
| the admin user. |
Table 6.2. [General] Directives
Directive | Description | Required | Example |
ServerPort | Specifies the port the | No | 389 |
| server will use for |
| LDAP connections. |
| For information on |
| selecting server port |