Chapter 6. Advanced Setup and Configuration


When creating a single instance of Directory Server, the Directory Server packages must already be installed, and the Administration Server must already be configured and running.

1.Make the setup .inf file. It must specify the following directives:


FullMachineName= SuiteSpotUserID= nobody SuiteSpotGroup= nobody

[slapd] ServerPort= 389 ServerIdentifier= dir Suffix= dc=example,dc=com RootDN= cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd= password123


There are two sections of directives in the instance creation: [General] and [slapd]. Installing the Administration Server, which is done in a default setup file, requires a third parameter as well, [admin], for the Administration Server.

This parameters correspond to the information supplied during a typical setup. The .inf file directives are described more in Section 3.5.1, “.inf File Directives”.

2.Run the setup-ds-admin.plscript with the -sand -foptions.

/usr/sbin/ -s -f /export/ds-inf/setup-single.inf

Running setup-ds-admin.plinstalls only a Directory Server instance, so the setup file must specify parameters only for the Directory Server. -sruns the script in silent mode, and -f /export/ds-inf/setup.infspecifies the setup file to use.

After the script runs, the new Directory Server instance is configured and running, as with a standard setup.


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HP UX Red Hat Direry Server Software manual Advanced Setup and Configuration