Chapter 3. Setting up Red Hat Directory Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
This information is supplied in place of creating an admin user and domain for the new Directory Server, steps 8, 9, and 10.
8.Set the administrator username. The default is admin.
9.Set the administrator password and confirm it.
10.Set the administration domain. This defaults to the host's domain. For example:
Administration Domain [example.com]:
11.Enter the Directory Server port number. The default is 389, but if that port is in use, the setup program supplies a randomly generated one.
Directory server network port [30860]: 1025
12.Enter the Directory Server identifier; this defaults to the hostname.
Directory server identifier [example]:
13.Enter the directory suffix. This defaults to dc=domain name. For example:
Suffix [dc=redhat, dc=com]:
14.Set the Directory Manager username. The default is cn=Directory Manager.
15.Set the Directory Manager password and confirm it.
16.Enter the Administration Server port number. The default is 9830, but if that port is in use, the setup program supplies a randomly generated one.
Administration port [9830]:
17.The last screen asks if you are ready to set up your servers. Select yes.
Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]: