Chapter 7. General Usage Information
7.2. Common Installation Problems
There are several common problems that can come up during the setup process, generally relating to network or naming problems. These problems and workarounds and soluions are described below.
For system information, try running the dsktune utility to identify potential hardware problems.
7.2.1. Problem: Clients cannot locate the server
First, modify the hostname. If that does not work, use the
If the NIS domain is not the same as your DNS domain, check your
7.2.2. Problem: The port is in use
When setting up a Directory Server instance, you receive an error that the port is in use. This is very common when upgrading or migrating an existing server.
This error means that you did not shut down the existing server before beginning the upgrade or migration. Shut down the existing server, and then restart the upgrade process.
If this occurs during a setup process, it may mean another server is already using this port. Verify that the port you selected is not in use by another server.
7.2.3. Problem: Forgotten Directory Manager DN and password
By default, the Directory Manager DN is cn=Directory Manager. If you forget the Directory Manager DN, you can determine it by checking the