

.inf file, 88 directives, 89 samples, 94


Administration domain, 5 Administration Server

configuring IP authorization, 79 configuring proxy servers, 80 finding the port number, 102 port, 1

starting and stopping, 103 user, 4


Clients cannot locate the server, 106 Command-line arguments, 85 Configuration directory, 4

Custom setup HP-UX 11i, 54

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 39 Solaris, 73


Directory Administrator, 3 Directory Manager, 3

password, 103 Directory Server

additional instances, 80

additional instances (without Console), 81 components, 1

configuration directory, 4 file locations, 99 HP-UX 11i

custom, 54 express, 47 typical, 50

installing on HP-UX 11i, 46

installing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 31 installing on Solaris (individual packages), 63

installing on Solaris (ISO), 64 migrating all or single instance, 113 migrating replicated site, 115 migrating to a different machine, 117 migrating to another platform, 119 port, 1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux custom, 39 express, 32

typical, 35

registering Directory Server with Configuration Directory Server, 81 removing a single instance, 95 Solaris

custom, 73 express, 65 typical, 68

starting and stopping, 102 starting the Console, 101 uninstalling Directory Server

HP-UX, 96

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 95 Solaris, 97

user and group, 3 Directory Server Console

starting, 101 Directory suffix, 4 dsktune, 16


Express setup HP-UX 11i, 47

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 32 Solaris, 65



contact information for this manual, ix File locations, 99

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, 99 Forgotten Directory Manager DN and password, 106


Hardware requirements based on directory size, 15


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HP UX Red Hat Direry Server Software manual Index