Chapter 4. Setting up Red Hat Directory Server on HP-UX 11i
2.Select y to accept the Red Hat licensing terms.
3.The dsktune utility runs. Select y to continue with the setup.
dsktune checks the available disk space, processor type, physical memory, and other system data and settings such as TCP/IP ports and file descriptor settings. If your system does not meet these basic Red Hat Directory Server requirements, dsktune returns a warning. dsktune warnings do not block the setup process; simply enter y to go to the next step.
4.Next, choose the setup type. Enter 1 to perform an express setup.
5.The next step allows you to register your Directory Server with an existing Directory Server instance, called the Configuration Directory Server. This registers the new instance so it can be managed by the Console. If this is the first Directory Server instance set up on your network, it is not possible to register it with another directory. Select n to set up this Directory Server as a Configuration Directory Server and move to the next express install step, setting up the administrator user.
To register the Directory Server instance with an existing Configuration Directory Server, select yes. This continues with the registration process rather than the regular express setup process.
Registering a new instance with a Configuration Directory Server requires you to supply information about the Configuration Directory Server:
•The Configuration Directory Server URL, such as ldap://ldap.example.com:389/o=NetscapeRoot
To use TLS/SSL, set the protocol as ldaps:// instead of ldap:// For LDAPS, use the secure port (636) instead of the standard port (389), and provide a CA certificate.
•The Configuration Directory Server administrator's user ID; by default, this is admin.
•The administrator user's password.
•The Configuration Directory Server Admin domain, such as example.com.
•The CA certificate to authenticate to the Configuration Directory Server. This is only required if the Directory Server instance will connect to the Configuration Directory Server over LDAPS. This should be the full path and filename the CA certificate in PEM/ASCII format.
This information is supplied in place of creating an admin user for the new