Chapter 5. Setting up Red Hat Directory Server on Sun Solaris
Necessary Java JRE libraries are not bundled with Directory Server. They must be downloaded and extracted separately before installing the Directory Server packages.
Directory Server 8.0 requires JRE version 1.5.0.
Install the latest version of the
Solaris requires installing the
1.Under the section Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 9, Sun only makes this JRE available through a
2.It is possible to obtain the Sun 5.0 JRE in a compatible format. Click Download under the JDK 5.0 Update 9 section, and, under Solaris SPARC Platform - J2SETM Development Kit 5.0 Update 9, select Solaris SPARC
3.After downloading these two files, uncompress them using the gunzip utility, and extract the contents using the tar utility.
4.The contents of the
LICENSE, README.html, SUNWj5cfg, SUNWj5dev, SUNWj5dmo, SUNWj5jmp, SUNWj5man, and
The contents of the
SUNWj5dvx, and SUNWj5rtx.
5.Since only the JRE is needed on Solaris 9 systems, use the pkgadd utility to add the