Migrating a Server or Single Instance
4. Migration Scenarios
The migration scenario differs depending on the type of existing Directory Server configuration you have. It is possible to migrate a single Directory Server instance, all Directory Server instances on a machine or replicated servers and to migrate the Directory Server to a different machine, or to a different platform. The migration script has different options available to facilitate migration; the different usage scenarios are explained in the following sections.
•Section 4.1, “Migrating a Server or Single Instance”
•Section 4.2, “Migrating Replicated Servers”
•Section 4.3, “Migrating a Directory Server from One Machine to Another”
•Section 4.4, “Migrating a Directory Server from One Platform to Another”
4.1. Migrating a Server or Single Instance
To migrate a Directory Server installation to a new one on the same machine, run the migration script, specifying the old server root directory:
That command automatically migrates every Directory Server instance configured. To migrate specific instances, use the instance with the
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Solaris machines, the
in the /opt/dirsrv/sbin/ directory.