Chapter 2. System Requirements
•Section, “File Descriptors” Perl Prerequisites
On Solaris systems, Red Hat Directory Server is installed with a Perl package, RHATperlx, that must be used. This package contains a TCP Tuning
Edit the Solaris TCP configuration Directory Server can access local system ports better. If tuned properly, this may enhance network connection speeds. The maximum achievable throughput for a single TCP connection is determined by several factors, including the maximum bandwidth on the slowest link on the path, bit errors that limit connections, and the total
The configuration that must be edited is in the /dev/tcp directory. Reset the following parameters:
•tcp_time_wait_interval determines the time (in milliseconds) that a TCP connection remains in a kernel's table after being closed. If its value is above30000 (or 30 seconds) and the directory is being used in a LAN, MAN, or other network connection, reduce the value by modifying the /etc/init.d/inetinit file:
•The tcp_conn_req_max_q0 and tcp_conn_req_max_q parameters control the connection's maximum backlog that gets accepted by the kernel. If a directory is used by a large number of client hosts simultaneously, increase these values by at least 1024. Edit the
/etc/init.d/inetinit file:
•The tcp_keepalive_interval setting determines the duration (in seconds) between the keepalive packets sent for each open TCP connection. Edit this setting to remove client connections that disconnect from the network.
•Check the tcp_rexmit_interval_initial parameter value for server maintenance testing on a high speed LAN, MAN, or other network connection. For wide area networks, you do not have to change the tcp_rexmit_interval_initial value.
•The tcp_smallest_anon_port setting determines the number of simultaneous server