| to a different host#specifically a DNS CNAME record. |
| Machines always have one real name, but they can have one |
| or more aliases. For example, an alias such as |
| www.yourdomain.domain might point to a real machine called |
| realthing.yourdomain.domain where the server currently |
| exists. |
DSGW | See Directory Server Gateway. |
entry | A group of lines in the LDIF file that contains information about |
| an object. |
entry distribution | Method of distributing directory entries across more than one |
| server in order to scale to support large numbers of entries. |
entry ID list | Each index that the directory uses is composed of a table of |
| index keys and matching entry ID lists. The entry ID list is used |
| by the directory to build a list of candidate entries that may |
| match the client application's search request. |
equality index | Allows you to search efficiently for entries containing a specific |
| attribute value. |
file extension | The section of a filename after the period or dot (.) that typically |
| defines the type of file (for example, .GIF and .HTML). In the |
| filename index.html the file extension is html. |
file type | The format of a given file. For example, graphics files are often |
| saved in GIF format, while a text file is usually saved as ASCII |
| text format. File types are usually identified by the file extension |
| (for example, .GIF or .HTML). |
filter | A constraint applied to a directory query that restricts the |
| information returned. |
filtered role | Allows you to assign entries to the role depending upon the |
| attribute contained by each entry. You do this by specifying an |
| LDAP filter. Entries that match the filter are said to possess the |
| role. |