Setting (continued) resolution, 15, 38, 198
sample count, 51, 114 trigger
count, 49, 156
delays, 49– 50, 157– 159 upper/lower limits, 44, 77
Settling Time
ac signal filters, 37, 127– 128 automatic insertion, 31
dc blocking circuitry, 36 delays, 31
effects, 31 SICL, 15
Signal Filters, 36– 37, 127– 128 querying, 128
setting, 127
Soft Front Panel (VXIplug&play) See online help
Specifications, 171– 184
ac characteristics, 174– 176 calculate total measurement error, dc characteristics, 171– 173 frequency characteristics, 177– 178 general, 179
high accuracy measurements, 184 interpreting, 182– 183
period characteristics, 177– 178 Speed and Accuracy Tradeoffs, 193– 198 *SRE, 60, 165
*SRE?, 165
SRQ (Service Request Bit), 60 Standard Commands for Programmable
Instruments, 67 Standard Event
bit (ESB), 61 register, 60
Standard Instrument Control Language, 15 Status Byte
message available bit (MAV), 60, 62 operation status bit (OPR), 58
Status Byte (continued)
questionable data register bit (QUE), 63 register, 60
STATus Subsystem, 153– 154
STATus:PRESet, 153 STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?, 153 STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle, 153 STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle?, 154 STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?, 154
Status System, 58, 60– 63 examples, 60– 63 multimeter, 60– 63 switch module, 58
*STB?, 166 Storing
dB reference value, 43
dBm reference resistance value, 43 NULL offset value, 42
Summary Bit, 60
Switch Module, 58
synchronizing multimeter with, 57– 59, 64 Synchronizing with Switch Module, 57– 59, 64 SYSTem Subsystem, 155
SYSTem:ERRor?, 155 SYSTem:VERSion?, 155
Temperature Coefficient accuracy, 183 errors, 34, 180
power dissipation effects, 31 Terminals, input, 18
Thermal EMF Errors, 25 Thermoelectric Voltages, 25– 26 Transfer
accuracy, 183
readings to output buffer, 98, 113 *TRG, 46, 48, 160
Trigger Count, 48– 49, 156– 157 querying, 49, 157 selecting, 48– 49, 156
Trigger Delay, 49– 51, 157– 159 defaults, 50, 159 querying, 51, 158– 159 selecting, 49– 50, 157– 159
Trigger Lines
Trigger Source, 46– 48, 160– 161 BUS, 46, 48, 160 EXTernal, 46– 47, 160