
The CONFigure command subsystem configures the multimeter to perform the specified measurement with the given range and resolution. CONFigure does not make the measurement after setting the configuration. Executing CONFigure is equivalent to setting the multimeter configuration as follows:








As specified (or AUTO).




As specified, or as a function of range, integration


time, or NPLCs.



AC filter

20 Hz - 300 kHz (medium filter)






OFF if resolution setting results in NPLC <1;


ON if resolution setting results in NPLC ³1



Input resistance

Applies to dc voltage and is disabled for all other


functions. 10MW for all dc voltage ranges.



Samples per trigger

1 sample



Trigger count

1 trigger



Trigger delay

AUTO (Automatic delay)



Trigger source

IMM (trigger signal is always true)



VM Complete routing

OFF (all trigger lines; n = 0 - 7)





Math function








After configuring the multimeter, use the INITiate command to place the multimeter in the wait-for-trigger state and store readings in the multimeter’s internal memory. Or, use the READ? command to make the measurement and send the readings to the output buffer when the trigger is received.

Subsystem Syntax



:CURRent:AC [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


:CURRent[:DC] [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


:FREQuency [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


:FRESistance [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


:PERiod [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


:RESistance [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


:VOLTage:AC [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


[:VOLTage[:DC]] [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


[:VOLTage[:DC]]:RATio [<range>MINMAXDEFAUTO[,<resolution>MINMAXDEF]]


The CONFigure command RANGe and RESolution parameters are optional. You


will get the default range and resolution settings if you do not specify a range or


resolution in the command. You will get these default settings even if you set a range

Chapter 3

Multimeter Command Reference 85

Page 85
Image 85
HP WaterSkis E1412A, WaterSkis E1312A manual CONFigure, Command Setting