European Union (EU) Statement
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EU Council Directive 89/336.EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR22/European Stan- dard EN 55022. The limits for Class B equipment were derived for typical residential environments to provide reasonable protection against interference with licensed communication devices.
Zulassungsbescheinigung Laut dem Deutschen Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten (EMVG) vom 30, August 1995 (bzw. der EMC EG Richlinie 89/336)
Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Übereinstimmung mit dem Deutschen EMVG das
Verantworlich für die Konformitätserklärung nach Paragraph 5 des EMVG ist die IBM Corporation. Deutschland Informationssysteme GmbH, 70548 Stuttgart.
Informationen in Hinsicht EMVG Paragraph 3 Abs.
(2) 2:
Das Gerät erfüllt die Schutzanforderungen nach
“Wird dieses Geräte in einer industriellen Umge- bung betrieben (wie in EN
Um die Einhaltung des EMVG sicherzusellen sind die Geräte, wie in den IBM Handüchern angege- ben, zu installieren und zu betreiben.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connec- tors must be used in order to reduce the potential for causing interference to radio and TV communi- cations and to other electrical or electronic equip- ment. Such cables and connectors are available from IBM authorized dealers. IBM cannot accept responsi- bility for any interference caused by using, other than recommended cables and connectors