The screen also shows the following ATM statistics:
Cells Received The number of ATM cells received by the port.
Cells Transmitted The number of ATM cells transmitted per second by the port.
Errored Cells The number of ATM cells that contain an error, for example, cells that have Header Error Control (HEC) errors.
Bad VCC Received The number of cells received where the specified connection is not recognized by the ATM Module (that is, the connection is not shown in the ATM Module Connection Table).
The following buttons are available on this screen:
CLEAR SCREEN COUNTERS To make it easier to note the changes in statistic values, you can use this button to reset the value of statistics shown on the screen to zero. Resetting the values shown on the screen does not reset the statistic values stored on this device.
LEC This button takes you to the ATM VLAN LEC Status screen, which allows you to monitor the health of LECs and identifies the cause of any connection failures. The ATM VLAN LEC Status screen is described in “ATM VLAN LEC Status” on this page.
PHYSICAL This button takes you to the Physical Layer Statistics Screen, which allows you to monitor the health of the physical connection, and is more useful in a WAN environment. The Physical Layer Statistics Screen is described in “ATM Physical Layer Statistics” on page
The ATM VLAN LEC Status screen shows LEC statistics for the ATM port. You can use the status information to monitor the health of a VLAN’s LEC and to track down the cause of any problems. You can also monitor the amount of Ethernet traffic on the selected VLAN.
To access VLAN statistics, first access the ATM Port Statistics screen, as described in “ATM Port Statistics” on page
An example of the ATM VLAN LEC Status screen is shown in Figure