Figure 8-7ATM Port Setup Screen

ATM Port Setup


If the link is Not Available and both devices are powered-up and operational, there is a physical problem with your connection. For information about the cause of problems and possible solutions, see Table 8-2.

Table 8-2Link State Troubleshooting Summary





The connectors at either

Ensure that the cable is

end of the link have come

securely connected to the

loose, or been accidently

port at both ends of the link.

pulled out.




The port at the far end of

Enable the far end port.

the link is disabled.


The screen shows the following fields:

Port Identifies the selected port.

Port Speed Shows the speed of the port connection.

If you have fiber cable with connectors that can be reversed; the two connectors at one end of the fiber cable may be plugged into the port the wrong way around.

Check that each cable connector is connected to the correct port socket. You may need to reverse the TX and RX cable connectors at one end of the link.

Port State Allows you to turn the port on and off. If you wish to allow traffic to pass through this port, select the Enable option. To prevent traffic passing through the port, select Disable.

Link State Indicates whether the communication link connected to the port is capable of transmitting and receiving traffic. The states are:

Present — the link is capable of transferring traffic; if the ports are also turned on (enabled).

Not Available — the link is not capable of transferring traffic.

The cable is caught under

Remove any obstructions and

a heavy object or become

straighten out any kinks in the

bent out of shape.




The connector itself is

Contact your repair center for

physically damaged.

advice. Refer to Appendix E,


“Technical Support and


Service” for more details.



To transmit traffic the port must have a Port State of Enabled and the Link State must be Present.

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Image 59
IBM ATM OC-3c manual 7ATM Port Setup Screen, Problem Solution