This chapter describes the main features of the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch ATM
The ATM Module provides a
Positioned within a workgroup or departmental LAN, the ATM Module provides a fast ATM downlink to the building or ATM campus.
Resilient links protect your Switch from network and equipment failure, while the software upgrade feature
Additional features are provided by the Switch, and you should refer to the guide that accompanies your Switch for more details. The Release Notes that accompany the ATM Module list the IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switches that support the ATM Module.
ATM Benefits
ATM is the only technology specifically designed to carry voice, video and data traffic simultaneously and to provide the required level of service that these different applications need in order to run effectively across a network. ATM provides the following benefits:
■It is easy and low cost to add additional services to the ATM network.
■Services can be added as and when they are needed. It is easier to scale ATM networks compared to other network technologies.
■ATM devices interoperate with your existing network. LAN Emulation (LANE) is a standards based technology specifically designed to provide interoperability between existing Ethernet/Fast Ethernet networks and ATM networks. LANE allows users to interoperate with ATM or traditional LAN based servers over ATM for higher performance and functionality.