Accessing and navigating the local screens is described in the manual which accompanies your IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN switch.
Screen Map
Figure 7-1 on page 7-2 provides a map of available local management screens. The screens shaded gray appear when the ATM Module is installed. If these screens do not appear, your ATM Module is not installed correctly.
Keyboard Shortcuts
There are several special characters or combinations of keyboard characters that allow you to navigate within the screens.
[Ctrl] + [K] displays a list of the available key strokes.
Correcting Text Entry
Use [Delete] on a VT100 terminal or [Backspace] on a PC. This moves the cursor one space to the left and deletes a character.
If you are using Telnet or a terminal emulation program you may find that some of the Control keys do not operate or that they activate other functions. Check carefully in the manual accompanying your Telnet or terminal emulation software before using the Control keys.