When the OK button is selected, the status of the upgrade is displayed. The following error and status messages are available:
Error Messages
This section lists error messages that may appear if an error occurs while downloading a new software image, and suggests solutions to the problem.
File Not Found
The file you require is not on the specified TFTP server. You need to specify a different TFTP server or transfer the file you require to the correct directory on the TFTP server and try again.
Access Violation
You do not have access permissions to this file or directory. Ensure that the access permissions are changed.
Load server failed to respond
Communication with the TFTP server could not be established. Ensure that the workstation on which the TFTP server is set up is operating and that the network connection has been set up correctly.
The download could not be started because of a lack of resources
You are trying to download a file which requires more memory than is available.
The record length differs from that implied by the value of the record length field.
Upgrading Software |
The file you want to download may have been corrupted. You should obtain a valid file and try again.
The record type is not recognized
The file you want to download may have been corrupted, or is not the correct type of file for the selected device. You should obtain a valid file and try again.
Record checksum error
The file you want to download has been corrupted. In this case you should either retry with the current file, or obtain a valid file and try again.
The device type in the file is incorrect
The file you are trying to download is not suitable for the selected device. Ensure that you select either a different file or a different device, before you try again.
The software image is not suitable for this version of the hardware
The file you are trying to download is not suitable for the selected device. Ensure that you select either a different file or a different device, before you try again.
The operation to download the software failed after the operation
If you see any other messages you should make a note of the message and contact your supplier.