How to Use this Guide to Troubleshoot
This troubleshooting section describes how to identify the cause of a problem and suggests possible solutions. Troubleshooting has been divided into four sections.
■Using LEDs
LEDs on the Switch and ATM Module provide valuable status information that can be used for troubleshooting. You may find it useful to familiarize yourself with these LEDs before reading the troubleshooting suggestions in the following sections.
■Identify the Problem
Use this section when you do not know the cause of the problem.
■Solving a known Problem
Use this section when you have detected a problem, and want to look up possible solutions. You should read this troubleshooting information in conjunction with the troubleshooting provided in the user guide that accompanies your Switch.
■Cleaning Dirty Fiber Optic Connectors
This section tells you how to clean the fiber optic connectors on the ATM Module and connecting cables.
If you have problems that are not addressed by troubleshooting information in this guide, contact IBM Technical Support, or your service person. For Technical Support information refer to Appendix E.