This guide contains several chapters that describe the basic concepts behind ATM technology, and integrating ATM into your existing network:
■This chapter describes some of the concepts behind the network layer architecture of a typical ATM network.
■Chapter 3, “Virtual LAN Concepts” describes how Virtual LANs (VLANs) are extended into the ATM network.
■Chapter 4, “Putting Your ATM Network Together” describes how to plan your ATM network.
■Chapter 5, “Network Configuration Examples” provides some examples of how you can use the ATM Module within an ATM networks.
If you are already familiar with these concepts, refer to Chapter 6, “Installing and Setting Up the Module”.
If you have read the concepts chapters and still require a more
The Layered Network Architecture
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is only part of a layered network architecture. This architecture is shown in Figure
Each of the layers in discussed in turn; starting with the Upper Layer and working down to the Physical Layer.