A P P E N D I X | A Technical Information |
#linkaggr_list={(index “name”, width of the aggregated group, “state”
#index=from 1 to 4 (4=max number of aggregated groups possible)
#name=name of the aggregated group
#width=total port width of aggregated group
#state=”enable” or “disable” (default=disable)
linkaggr_list={(1 “Engineering Server”, 2 “disable”) (2 “Marketing Server”, 3, “enable”) (3 “3rd Floor Switch”, 2, “enable)}
###### Configure PVID for Untagged Ports #############################################
#pvid_list={(port#, PVIDvalue) (port#, PVIDvalue) ...}
#port#=port attached to device that does not support tags
#PVIDvalue=VID of port to which you want untagged traffic routed
pvid_list={(2, 100) (3, 100) (6, 15)}
###### Create 802.1Q VLAN on the Switch (Static Entries) ###################################
#802_1q_static_list={(VID, “VLANstring”, M/N U/T,...) (VID, “VLANstring”, M/N U/T,...)}
#M=member port (on ingress)
#N=non member port (on ingress)
#U=untagged device (on egress)
#T=tagged device (on egress)
#Either M or N can be specified for each port; not both
#Either U or T can be specified for each port; not both
802_1q_static_list={(2, “VLAN2”, MT, MU, MT, NT, MT, NU, NT, NU) (10, “VLAN10”, MT, MU, NT, NT, MT, MU, NT, MU)}
###### GVRP (Dynamic VLAN Registration) ###################################
#gvrp_enabled={port#, port#, ...}
#gvrp_disabled={port#, port#, ...}
#gvrp_enabled=VLAN dynamically registered with the switch
#gvrp_disabled=VLAN not dynamically registered with the switch
gvrp_enabled={1, 3, 5, 7} gvrp_disabled={2, 4, 6, 8}
Appendix A