A P P E N D I X | A Technical Information |
A | Appendix A: |
Technical Info | |
| What is a configuration file? |
| A configuration file is an ASCII text file that contains initialization |
| information and configuration settings for the switch specified by the |
| network administrator. The switch’s configuration file (.CFG) can be up to 10 |
| KB in size and is stored on a central server where it is downloaded into the |
| hub using TFTP. |
| You can use a text editor like Microsoft Windows* Notepad to make |
| changes to the configuration file. The switch interprets file lines beginning |
| with the pound (#) sign as comments. It interprets all other lines as |
| commands. When the switch initializes, it uses this file to configure |
| parameters like port speed, port security, and SNMP trap receivers. |
| Use of a standard configuration file can make managing multiple switches |
| much simpler. Instead of requiring a network administrator to make changes |
| to each manually, the switch uses the file to configure itself. |
Appendix A