Chapter 10—Troubleshooting
Printer crash | Off |
| See note 3 and 9 |
Printer turned off | Off |
Maintenance | Off |
| Set when upgrading |
Power supply Over tem- | Off | 1718 |
perature |
Note 1: This is only applicable for printers equipped with an EasyLAN interface.
Note 2: A printer that is equipped with an EasyLAN interface, but is not connected to a network, will have a blinking IRI. To avoid this, the user can set “IP SELECTION” to “MANUAL” and “IP ADDRESS” to “”. This will indicate that the user does not regard the lack of network connection as an error.
Note 3: No trap can be sent when this error/event occurs.
Note 4: This error indicates that the printer has not received an IP address. It is only applicable for printers with IP SELECTION set to DHCP and/or BOOTP.
Note 5: In the Direct Protocol, the user can enable error handling for specific errors using the ERROR statement. When errors added to the
Note 6: If an error occurs in the Fingerpruint immediate mode, for example “out of paper” when the print key is pressed, this event will be set.
Note 7: If an application is started but does not execute, the IRI will blink. This will occur for example if there is a syntax error in the loaded program file.
This is useful when a printer has an AUTOEXEC.BAT file (startup file) that is supposed to run automatically.
Note 8: When execution is stopped with user break (SHIFT + PAUSE) or due to a
If, however, the application program handles the user break (ON BREAK) or the run- time error (ON ERROR GOTO), the IRI will not be affected. In this case, it is up to the application to set the status.
Note 9: At most, but not all, printer crashes, the console is reset. This will make the IRI go off.
94 Intermec EasyCoder PF4i Compact