Selecting Images 7-13, 12-7
Selector Button 2-10
Self Timer 13-28
Self-Diagnostic Shutte r S ystem 2-31
Serial In
Mode 15-3
Status 15-4
Serial Out Mode 15-5
Serial Port Options 15-2
Serial Port, Connecting 15-1
Sharpening 4-4
Shutter Speed
Locking 13-3
Shutter Speed/Aperture
Locking 13-11
Shutter-Priority Auto Exposure Mode 8-15
Capturing Images In 13-1
Single Frame Shooting 10-11
Single Image Review Mode 12-3
Single Servo AF with Focus-Priority 9-6
Moving Subject 9-8
Single Subject 9-7
Slow Sync 11-13
Sound Files
Recording 7-20, 12-11
Specifications A-1
Spot Metering 8-12
Standby Mode 11-4
Storing Your Camera 16-9
Sub-Command Dial 2-19
Sync Terminal 2-30
System Requirements
Macintosh 1-2
Windows 1-2
Tagging Images 7-17, 12-10
Test Firing 11-9
TIFF Files 6-1
Time. See Date and Time
Top Status LCD Panel 2-11
Total Actuations 4-6
Troubleshooting B-1
Turning the camera on or off 3-1
Two-Button Reset 10-8
Universal Power Cords 3-8, 3-14, 7-6
VCCI Statement 1-7
Vertical Controls 10-13
Viewfinder 2-8
Changing 2-33
Compatibility C-1
Viewfinder Diopter 2-26
Warnings 1-3
White Balance 8-1
Button 2-10
Color Temperature 8-2
Determining Current Settings 8-2
White Balance Settings 8-4
Deleting 8-6
Loading 8-7
Saving 8-9
Selecting 8-6
System Requirements 1-2