Toolbar buttons
Add: adds a color that can be configured. This option is not available if the maximum number of colors has been reached or a color is being modified. When selected, the Add window will be displayed:
•Color: allows you to enter the name you want for the new color. The name cannot be the same as any existing Single, Multiple or supplied dropout color.
•Preview: performs a preview scan and adds the color alphabetically to the Color list.
NOTE:The preview image will automatically toggle to the color image, since no single colors have been added yet.
Rename: allows you to rename the currently selected color. This option is not available if there are no multiple colors or a color is being modified. When selected, the Rename window will be displayed:
•Color: allows you to enter the new name you want for the color. The name cannot be the same as any existing Single, Multiple or supplied dropout color. When you click OK, the color will be saved with the new name.
Delete: removes the currently selected color. This option is only available if you have a single color defined or if the single color is included in any defined Multiple color. When selected, you will be prompted for confirmation.
NOTE: If all single colors are removed, the preview image will automatically toggle to the color image.
Clear learned information: removes all previously learned information about the currently selected color. This option is not available if a color is being modified. When selected, you will be prompted for confirmation.
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