Chapter 3 Printer Driver Functions
Classification | Setting Items | Set Value | Description | 95/98/Me | NT4.0/ |
| 2000 |
Overlay tab | Symbol - Select | - | This function is used to register | o | o |
| Bitmap |
| Bitmap image for overlay. |
| Shade - Color | Black | This function is used to specify | o | o |
| color for a bitmap image. Only |
| Black is selectable. |
| Shade - | 0 to 100 | This function is used to specify | o | o |
| Darkness |
| Darkness of a bitmap image for |
| overlay. |
| Size | Automatically | This function is used to specify | o | o |
| User defined | the magnification rate of overlay |
| (10 to 100) | image in percentage. |
| Position | Automatically | This function is used to specify | o | o |
| User defined | the position of overlay image. |
| (X: 0 to 100) |
| (Y: 0 to 100) |
| Show layout | - | This function is used to preview | o | o |
| Show single |
| your settings in layout with the |
| page |
| current overlay settings. |
| Restore | - | This function is used to return | o | o |
| Defaults |
| the settings to default settings. |
Setup tab | Available | This function is used to specify | o | o | |
| options | the optional device installed on |
| |
| the main body printer (copier). |
| |
| |
| Large Capacity Tray |
| |
| Large Capacity Tray |
| |
| |
| Installed | - | Display the selected/added | o | o |
| options |
| options from the list of available |
| options. |
| Add | - | Add the options to the list of | o | o |
| installed options. |
| Remove | - | Remove the options from the list | o | o |
| of installed options. |
| Installed | 64 MB | This function is used to specify | o | o |
| memory | 128 MB | the installed memory. |
| 192 MB |