[refer to “Metronome type list”]
Selects a metronome type suitable for the time signa- ture that you selected in the Time Signature setting
You can change the rhythm pattern by selecting a met- ronome type in conjunction with changing the tempo and time signature.
P2 Metronome volume setting
| [001...100] |
This sets the volume of the metronome.
The value can be changed either from this page or from EDIT METRONOME P1 (refer to p.55).
P1 Tempo source setting
| [Map, Trk] |
Selects the tempo source.
Map: Tempo change will occur according to the tempo map that was created in TEMPO P1.
Trk: Tempo change will occur according to the tempo that was recorded by Tempo Recording (refer to EDIT TEMPO P2).
It is not possible to select Trk until you perform tempo recording.
After tempo recording, this will automatically be Trk.
P2 Tempo recording
By recording MIDI Clock messages, you can synchro- nize to the MIDI Clock messages of an external sequencer.
By recording tap tempo, you will be able to use mea- sure units to handle a source of unknown tempo (such as a CD) that has previously been recorded into the D8.
If the time signature changes during the song, you must first use TEMPO P1 to create a tempo map which includes the changes in time signature.
Tempo recording will end automatically when mem- ory becomes full.
TempoRec œ | MIDIclk ? |
| [MIDIclk, MeasTap] |
Selects the source for tempo recording.
MIDIclk: MIDI Clock messages from a song recorded on an external sequencer etc. will be recorded to create the tempo track.
MeasTap: Taps at the beginning of each measure will be recorded to create the tempo track. (Refer to p.35)
During tap tempo recording, the foot switch will func- tion as the tap marker, regardless of the SYSTEM P3 setting.
After the tempo track has been created, you can set the tempo source of
Be aware that if you
Metronome on/off | [On, Off] |
Turns the metronome on/off.
On (indicator lit): The metronome will sound during playback and/or recording (refer to EDIT METRO- NOME P2), according to the tempo, time signature and metronome type that you specified as the tempo source (refer to EDIT TEMPO P1). The metronome will also sound while you are in TEMPO P1 or EDIT MET- RONOME P1.
Off (indicator off): The metronome will not sound dur- ing playback or recording. Nor will the metronome sound while you are in TEMPO P1 or EDIT METRO- NOME P1.
The metronome sound is output from OUTPUT L/R and from PHONE. It is not possible to directly record the sound of the metronome.
If you wish to record the sound of the metronome on the D8, use an audio cable to connect the output of the OUTPUT L/R jacks to the INPUT 1/2 jacks, and record as usual. At this time, set the [MASTER] fader to 0.