6. Effect Parameter List
Effect type name as displayed _ (Unabbreviated effect type name) _ Remark Parameter name as displayed _ (Unabbreviated parameter name) _ Setting range _ Remark
4BEQ (4 Band Equalizer)
This is a equalizer that allows you to adjust the tone in four fre- quency bands. Positive (+) settings will boost the gain, and nega- tive
LoG (Low Gain) | Low gain | |
LoF (Low Fc) | 80...1.00k(Hz) | Low cutoff frequency |
LMG (LowMid Gain) | Low Mid gain | |
LMF (LowMid Fc) | 80...16.0k(Hz) | Low Mid center frequency |
LMQ (LowMid Q) | WIDE,0.6...9.9,NRRW | Low Mid bandwidth |
HMG (HiMid Gain) | High Mid gain | |
HMF (HiMid Fc) | 80...16.0k(Hz) | High Mid center frequency |
HMQ (HiMid Q) | WIDE,0.6...9.9,NRRW | High Mid bandwidth |
HiG (Hi Gain) | High gain | |
HiF (Hi Fc) | 1.00k..16.0k(Hz) | High cutoff frequency |
TRM (Trim) | Input level |
S.4BEQ (Stereo 4Band Equalizer)
This is a version of 4BEQ which allows
AMP SIM (Amp Simulator)
This effect simulates the acoustical characteristics of a guitar amp. Even if you are recording with a direct line, this effect will realisti- cally simulate the sound of an actual guitar amp.
Type (AmpType) | AMP1...5 | Select the type of guitar amp |
CAB RES (Cabinet Resonator)
This effect simulates the acoustical characteristics and resonances of a guitar amp speaker cabinet. As with Amp Simulator, this is ideal for use with direct line recording.
SIZE (Size) | 0... | 50 | Cabinet size |
DEPTH (Depth) | 0... | 50 | Depth of the effect |
CH/FL (Chorus/Flanger)
This effect gives a sense of pitch movement and depth to the sound. Adjusting the Delay Time will significantly change the effect.
SPD (Speed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Modulation speed |
DEPTH (Depth) | 0...50 | Modulation depth |
DLY (Delay) | 0.1...60ms | Delay time |
Fback (Feedback) | Feedback amount | |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
L.Damp (LowDamp) | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and direct sound |
S.CH/FL (Stereo Chorus/Flanger)
This is a version of CH/FL which allows simultaneous
PHASE (Phase) | 0...180 | Relative phase difference between |
| channels |
CnCNL (Center Canceller)
When existing music (a stereo source) is input to this effect, sounds which are panned to the center such as vocals or lead guitar will be canceled. In addition, you can control the pitch.
PITCH (Pitch) | Pitch shift amount in semitones | |
ADJ (Adjustment) | L50...0...R50 | Cancel position |
COMP (Compressor/Limiter)
Limiter: An effect which evens out the volume of the input signal.
Compressor: An effect which compresses the input signal to make it more consistent and give it more punch.
When the Ratio value is inf:1, this effect functions as a Limiter. When the Radio value is other than inf:1, this effect functions as a Compressor.
THR (Threshold) | Level at which the effect will begin to | |
| apply |
RTO (Ratio) | 1.0:1...inf:1 | Compression ratio |
ATK (Attack) | FAST,1,...,49,SLOW | Attack length |
REL (Release) | FAST,1,...,49,SLOW | Release length |
LVL (Level) | 0...50 | Effect level |
S.COMP (Stereo Compressor/Limiter)
This is a version of COMP which allows simultaneous
THR (Threshold) | Level at which the effect will begin to | |
| apply |
RTO (Ratio) | 1.0:1...inf:1 | Compression ratio |
ATK (Attack) | FAST,1,...,49,SLOW | Attack length |
REL (Release) | FAST,1,...,49,SLOW | Release length |
LVL (Level) | 0...50 | Effect level |
LINK (Link) | OFF,L,R,L+R | Trigger channel |
DECIMA (Stereo Decimator)
This is a stereo effect which lowers the sampling frequency to cre- ate the rough sound typical of a cheap sampler.
PreLPF (Pre LPF) | 0...50 | Low pass filter which reduces the |
| intermodular noise produced by low- |
| ering the sampling frequency |
Fs (Sampling Fc) | 1k...36kHz | Sampling frequency |
H.Damp (High Damp) 0...50 | High frequency attenuation | |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
DEESSER (De-Esser)
This effect attenuates undesired sibilant sounds (“s” sounds).
SENS (Sens) | 0...50 | Sensitivity |
Fc (Eq Freq.) | 80...16.0k(Hz) | Center frequency of the side band EQ |
G (Eq Gain) | Gain of the side band EQ | |
Q (Eq Q) | 0.5...10 | Bandwidth of the side band EQ |
DISTORT (Distortion)
This effect distorts the input signal.
TYPE (Type) |
| Drive type |
DRIVE (Drive) | 0...50 | Distortion |
TRE (Treble) | High frequency tone | |
LVL (Level) | 0...50 | Output level |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
S.DIST (Stereo Distortion)
This effect distorts the input signal. It allows 2 channels of simulta- neous input.
DRIVE (Drive) | 0...50 | Distortion |
TRE (Treble) | High frequency tone | |
LVL (Level) | 0...50 | Output level |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
DLY (Mono Delay)
This effect applies a time delay to the input sound.
T (Time) | 1ms...1s | Delay time |
Fback (Feedback) | 0...50 | Feedback amount |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
L.Damp (LowDamp) | 0...50 | Low frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |