Korg D8 manual Edit System, Deleting a mark, P2 MIDI/SYNC settings, Input 1/2 assign

Models: D8

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Deleting a mark









œ DeløAll ?


Select the mark to be deleted........... [All, 001...100]

Selects the mark that you wish to delete. After making your selection, hold down the [ ] key for approxi- mately 1 second to delete the selected mark.

All: All marks will be deleted.

001...100: The mark of the specified number will be deleted.

P2 MIDI/SYNC settings


MIDI/Syncœ Gen:Clockœ

P2-1Synchronization signal selection.......................

[Gen, RcvMMC, DevID]

Selects the type of synchronization parameter. When “MIDI/Sync” is displayed, press the [ ] key and then press the [SYSTEM] key to make the selection.

Gen (Sync Generate from MIDI): Synchronization messages will be transmitted from MIDI OUT. In P2-2 you can select the type of messages that will be trans- mitted.

RcvMMC (Receive MMC): Select this when you wish to receive MMC (MIDI Machine Control) messages from MIDI IN. In P2-3 you can switch reception on/ off, and in P2-4 you can specify the Device ID.

DevID (Device ID): Specify the Device ID that will be used for MMC. In P2-4 you can specify the Device ID which will be used when receiving MMC from an external device.

P2-2Sync Generate settings

[Clock, MTC30, Off]

This setting can be changed if you selected Gen in P2-1.

Clock: MIDI Clock messages will be transmitted from


MTC30: MTC30NDF (MIDI Time Code 30 non-drop format) messages will be transmitted from MIDI OUT. Off: Synchronization messages will not be transmitted from MIDI OUT.

P2-3 MMC reception on/off

[o, -]

This setting can be changed if you selected RcvMMC in P2-1.

o (On): MMC will be received from MIDI IN. Set the Device ID in P2-4.

-(Off): MMC will not be received from MIDI IN.


RcvMMC:o œ

P2-4 Device ID setting


If you selected DevID in P2-1, this parameter specifies the Device ID that will be used when receiving MMC from an external device.

If you selected RcvMMC in P2-1 and selected o (On) in P2-3, MMC messages will be received from an external device if the Device ID settings of the two devices match.


DevID: 01œ


Channel pair enable setting














ChPairSw œ





Pair enable selection

[Pan, Snd/Aux, EQ]


Pair enable on/off




[o, -]

For pan, effect send/aux send and EQ, you can specify whether or not to enable pairing when the Pairing set- ting is On. (Refer to “26. PAIR On/Off”, p.60) With a setting of o (On), pairing will be valid. When “ChPair Sw” is displayed, press the [ ] key, and then press the [SYSTEM] key to access the function that was selected in P3-1, and turn it on/off in P3-2. The selected setting will be common to channels 1–6. It is not possible to adjust settings independently for each channel.

Pairing for [Channel] faders and [TRACK STATUS] subject to pairing will be enabled automatically when Pairing is ON.


INPUT 1/2 assign






InAssign œ

In1/2øCh œ


INPUT 1/2 assign

[Ch, Mst]

Specifies the input destination of the audio signals from the INPUT 1/2 jacks.

Ch (Channel): They will be input to mixer channels. Normally you will use this setting.

Mst (Master): They will be input to the master bus. Use this setting when you are cascading the output from another mixer, or when you wish to combine an exter- nal sound source with the playback of the eight tracks during mixdown, etc.


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Korg D8 manual Edit System, Deleting a mark, P2 MIDI/SYNC settings, Input 1/2 assign