PHONO (Turntable SIM)
This simulates a record player. Scratch noise can also be added.
RPM (Rpm) | 33,45,78 | Rotational speed |
WOW (Wow&Flutter) | 0...50 | Pitch instability caused by variation in |
| rotational speed |
HiCUT (High Cut) | 0...50 | High frequency cut filter |
NOISE (Scratch noise)0...50 | Scratch noise |
PITCH (Pitch Shifter)
This effect changes the pitch of the input signal.
PITCH (Pitch) | Pitch shift amount in semitone units | |
FINE (Fine) | Pitch shift amount in | |
DLY (Delay) | 1ms...1s | Delay time from the input signal |
Fback (Feedback) | 0...50 | Amount of feedback |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of the |
| feedback |
TYPE (Type) | SLOW,FAST | Response speed. With a setting of |
| SLOW, the response will be slower, |
| but the tone will change less. |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
D.PITCH (Dual Pitch Shifter)
This effect provides two pitch shifter units.
PTCH1 (Pitch1) | Pitch shift 1 amount in semitone units | |
FINE1 (Fine1) |
| Pitch shift 1 amount in |
HDamp1 (High Damp1) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of feedback 1 |
LVL1 (Level1) | 0...50 | Delay time 1 from the input signal |
PITCH2 (Pitch2) | Pitch shift 2 amount in semitone units | |
FINE2 (Fine2) |
| Pitch shift 2 amount in |
HDamp2 (High Damp2) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of feedback 2 |
LVL2 (Level2) | 0...50 | Delay time 2 from the input signal |
TYPE (Type) | SLOW, FAST | Response speed. With a setting of |
| SLOW, the response will be slower, |
| but the tone will change less. |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
HALL (Hall Reverb)
This effect simulates the reverberation and ambiance of a concert hall.
T (Time) | 0.26...16s | Reverb time |
PDL (PreDly) | 0...300ms | Delay time from the original sound |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...25 | High frequency attenuation |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
ROOM (Room Reverb)
This simulates the reverberation of a room. For the parameters, refer to Hall Reverb.
T (Time)0.10...5.2s Reverb time
PLATE (Plate Reverb)
This simulates a plate reverb unit. For the parameters, refer to Hall Reverb.
T (Time)0.26...16sReverb time
RingMOD (Ring Modulator)
This effect multiples the effect by a sine wave to create metallic sounds.
Fc (Mod Fc) | 50Hz...5000Hz | Frequency of the oscillator |
MIX (Wet/Dry) | DRY,1,2,...,49,WET | Balance between the effect sound |
| and the direct sound |
ROTARY (Rotary Speaker SIM)
This effect simulates a rotary speaker.
Hspd (Horn Speed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Rotational speed of the horn |
Rspd (RotorSpeed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Rotational speed of the rotor |
BAL (Balance) | 0...50 | Volume balance between the low fre- |
| quency rotor and the high frequency |
| horn |
TREMOLO (Tremolo)
This effect modulates the volume of the input signal.
SPD (Speed) | 0.01...16.0(Hz) | Modulation speed |
DEPTH (Depth) | 0...50 | Modulation depth |
S.TREM (Stereo Tremolo)
This is a version of Tremolo which allows
PHASE (Phase) | 0...180 | Relative phase difference between |
| channels |
WAH+OD (Wah+Overdrive)
This is an
PLTY (Polarity) | UP,DOWN | Polarity |
SENS (Sens) | 0...50 | Sensitivity |
ATK (Attack) | FAST,1,...,49,SLOW | Attack strength |
MANUAL (Manual) | 0...50 | Frequency at which the effect is |
| applied |
DRIVE (Drive) | 0...50 | Distortion |
LVL (Level) | 0...50 | Output level |
MoniDly (Monitor Delay)
This is a delay especially designed for monitoring.
T (Time) | 1...200ms | Delay time |
Fback (Feedback) | 0...50 | Feedback amount |
H.Damp (HighDamp) | 0...50 | High frequency attenuation of feed- |
| back |
LVL (Level) | 0...50 | Output level |