EPress the [Last Number] key, and then enter the page number at which to stop numbering with the number keys.
If you do not wish to change the number, go to step G.
❒If you wish to print onto the last page, press [to the end] key, and then go to step J.
FPress the {#}key.
GPress the [Total Pages] key, and then enter the total number of o r i g i n a l p a g e s w i t h t h e number keys.
HPress the {#}key.
IPress the [OK] key.
If you selected
APress the [First Printing Page] key, and then enter the original sheet number from which to s t a r t n u m b e r i n g w i t h t h e number keys.
❒To change the number en-
tered, press the [Clear] or {Clear/Stop}key, and then en- ter a new number.
BPress the {#}key.
CPress the [First Chapter No.] key, and then enter the chapter number from which to start numbering with the number keys.
DPress the {#}key.