
EPress the [Last Number] key, and then enter the page number at which to stop numbering with the number keys.

If you do not wish to change the number, go to step G.



If you wish to print onto the last page, press [to the end] key, and then go to step J.

FPress the {#}key.

GPress the [Total Pages] key, and then enter the total number of o r i g i n a l p a g e s w i t h t h e number keys.

HPress the {#}key.

IPress the [OK] key.

If you selected (1-1, 1-2,…)

APress the [First Printing Page] key, and then enter the original sheet number from which to s t a r t n u m b e r i n g w i t h t h e number keys.


To change the number en-

tered, press the [Clear] or {Clear/Stop}key, and then en- ter a new number.

BPress the {#}key.

CPress the [First Chapter No.] key, and then enter the chapter number from which to start numbering with the number keys.

DPress the {#}key.