LevelOne GSW-2692 manual Clock timezone, Calendar set, Syntax, Year Year 4-digit. Range

Models: GSW-2692

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4 Command Line Interface

clock timezone

This command sets the time zone for the switch’s internal clock.


clock timezone name hour hours minute minutes {before-utc after-utc}

name - Name of timezone, usually an acronym. (Range: 1-29 characters)

hours - Number of hours before/after UTC. (Range: 0-12 hours)

minutes - Number of minutes before/after UTC. (Range: 0-59 minutes)

before-utc- Sets the local time zone before (east) of UTC.

after-utc- Sets the local time zone after (west) of UTC.

Default Setting


Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

This command sets the local time zone relative to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, formerly Greenwich Mean Time or GMT), based on the earth’s prime meridian, zero degrees longitude. To display a time corresponding to your local time, you must indicate the number of hours and minutes your time zone is east (before) or west (after) of UTC.


Console(config)#clock timezone Japan hours 8 minute 0 after-UTC Console(config)#

Related Commands

show sntp (4-55)

calendar set

This command sets the system clock. It may be used if there is no time server on your network, or if you have not configured the switch to receive signals from a time server.


calendar set hour min sec {day month year month day year}

hour - Hour in 24-hour format. (Range: 0-23)

min - Minute. (Range: 0-59)

sec - Second. (Range: 0-59)

day - Day of month. (Range: 1-31)

month - january february march april may june july august september october november december

year - Year (4-digit). (Range: 2001-2100)


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LevelOne GSW-2692 manual Clock timezone, Calendar set, Syntax, Year Year 4-digit. Range