MAC Binary PS
To configure the printer to process Macintosh binary PostScript print jobs.
On | Printer processes raw binary PostScript print jobs from computers using the Macintosh |
| operating system. |
| Note: This setting often causes Windows print jobs to fail. |
Off | Printer filters PostScript print jobs using standard protocol. |
Auto* | Printer processes print jobs from computers using either Windows or Macintosh operating |
| systems. |
NPA Mode
To specify whether the printer performs the special processing required for bidirectional communication, following the conventions defined in the Network Printing Alliance (NPA) Protocol.
On | Printer performs NPA processing. If data is not in NPA format, it is rejected as bad data. |
Off | Printer does not perform NPA processing. |
Auto* | Printer examines the data to determine the format and then processes it appropriately. |
Note: Changing this menu item automatically resets the printer.
PCL SmartSwitch
To configure the printer so it automatically switches to PCL emulation when a print job received through the USB port requires it, regardless of the default printer language.
On* | Printer examines the data on the USB interface and selects PCL emulation if the data |
| indicates that is the required printer language. |
Off | Printer does not examine the incoming data. The printer uses PostScript emulation to |
| process the job if PS SmartSwitch is On, or uses the default printer language specified in the |
| Setup Menu if PS SmartSwitch is Off. |
See also:
PS SmartSwitch; Printer Language