1565 Emul Error Load Emul Option 122
31 Missing or defective <color> cartridge 116
32 Replace unsupported <color> cartridge 116
34 Incorrect paper size, check <src> 116
34 Incorrect paper type, check <src> 116
35 Insufficient memory to support Resource Save feature 116
37 Insufficient memory for Flash Memory Defragment operation 116
37 Insufficient memory to collate job 117
37 Insufficient memory, some held jobs will not be restored 117
38 Memory full 117
39 Page is too complex to print 117
50 PPDS font error 117
51 Defective flash detected 117
52 Flash full 117
loading 25
53 Unformatted flash detected 117
54 Network <x> software error 118
54 Serial option <x> error 118
54 Standard network software error 118
55 Unsupported option in slot 118
56 Parallel port <x> disabled 118
56 serial port <x> disabled 118
56 Standard USB port disabled 118
56 USB port <x> disabled 119
57 Configuration change, held jobs were not restored 119
58 Too many disks installed 119
58 Too many flash options installed 119
58 Too many trays attached 119
61 Remove defective hard disk 119
62 Disk full 119
63 Unformatted disk 120
80Scheduled maintenance<x> 120
802.1x authentication 145
82Replace waste toner box 120
82Waste toner box missing 120
82Waste toner box nearly full 120
84<color> pc unit missing 120
84Black pc unit life warning 120
84color pc unit life warning 120
84Replace black pc unit 121
84Replace color pc units 121
84Unsupported <color> pc unit 121
88<color> toner low 121
88Replace <color> toner 121
Activating Menu Changes 109 Activating PPDS Mode 109 AppleTalk menu 107 attaching cables 21
Bin <x> Full 109 Bin Setup menu 78
printing 52 brightness, adjusting 142 Busy 109
C cables
Ethernet 21 USB 21
Calibrating 109
calling Customer Support 165 Cancel not available 109 Canceling 109
canceling a job from Mac OS 9 52 from Mac OSX 52
from the control panel 51 from Windows desktop 52
from Windows taskbar 52 card stock
guidelines 39 loading 29
Change <src> to <x> 109 Check <src> guides 109 checking an unresponsive printer 148
exterior of the printer 123 printhead lenses 125, 130
Clearing job accounting statistics 109
Close cover<x> 110 Close door <x> 110 confidential jobs
modifying print settings 144 Confidential print jobs 46
printing from Macintosh computer 48
printing from Windows 47 configurations
printer 9 Configure MP menu 74 conserving supplies 123 contacting Customer Support 165 contrast, adjusting 142
control panel 12 disabling hard disk encryption 143 disabling menus 142 enabling menus 142 encrypting hard disk 143 factory defaults, restoring 143 locking menus 142, 144 unlocking menus 142
Copies 110 Custom Type <x>
changing name 33 Custom Types menu 77
Deactivating PPDS Mode 110 Default Source menu 72 Defragmenting Flash 110 Delete 110
Delete all 110
Delete all confidential jobs 110 Deleting 110
directory list, printing 51