While trying to resolve an error message using the Troubleshooting section, keep in mind the following:
•If patient symptoms indicate the need for treatment, provide appropriate medical care before you continue with troubleshooting.
•If you repeatedly get any error message or you are otherwise unable to obtain a bedside unit result, perform a laboratory test. Take appropriate steps to monitor the patient and provide medical care while awaiting the laboratory result.
•After any test, you can compare the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the comparison indicates that the glucose level is very high or very low, perform a laboratory test. Take appropriate steps to monitor the patient and provide medical care while awaiting the laboratory result.
•Do not use the Color Chart as a replacement for a bedside unit result.
If you need help resolving an error or you encounter any other problem with the system, contact the LifeScan Healthcare Professional Line at:
If you cannot resolve a problem, call LifeScan Healthcare Professional Line:
1 800
1 888