Reference:Tweaking Tones



Here’s some good, old-fashioned EQ to make your tone sparkle, rattle the neighbor’s


windows, and everything in-between. You’ve got (2) bands of shelving EQ and (2) bands

of semi-parametric “peaking” EQ to choose from.


Lo Fq – sets the corner frequency of the low-shelf filter, affecting all sound at and below the frequency you select.

Lo Gn – adjusts the gain or cut amount of the low-shelf filter.

Lm Fq – sets the corner frequency of the low-mid peaking filter, affecting all sound at and around the frequency you select.

Lm Gn – adjusts the gain or cut of the low-mid peaking filter.

Hm Fq – sets the corner frequency of the high-mid peaking filter, affecting all sound at and around the frequency you select.

Hm Gn – adjusts the gain or cut of the high-mid peaking filter.

Hi Fq – sets the corner frequency of the high shelf filter, affecting all sound at and above the frequency you select.

Hi Gn – adjusts the gain or cut of the high-shelf filter.

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