Installing and Configuring the PassageWay
Service Provider
4.If you are installing from diskette, insert diskette #1 of the PassageWay Service Provider software into the diskette drive of your PC.
If you are installing from
If you are installing from a shared directory on a network server, proceed to Step 5.
5.Perform one of the following steps:
If you have Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later:
a.From the Task Bar, click on the Start button. The Start menu appears.
b.Select Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
If you have Windows 3.1 or later, select Run from the File menu of Program Manager. The Run dialog box appears.
6.Depending on whether you are installing from a diskette,
If the diskette is in drive A, type a:\setup in the Command Line box, and choose the OK button. If the diskette is in drive B, type b:\setup in the Command Line box, and choose the OK button.
If the
If you are installing from a shared directory, type the shared directory path (including the drive letter) provided by your Network Administrator and setup in the Command Line box, and choose the OK button.
The PassageWay for PARTNER Service Provider Setup dialog box is displayed.