Using PARTNER Extension Programming
Helpful Hints
When using PARTNER Extension Programming, keep in mind the following information:
Only program your telephone through PARTNER Extension Programming. PARTNER Extension Programming only keeps track of programming you perform through this application. If you program features via your telephone, you can cause PARTNER Extension
TProgramming to become out of sync with your telephone.
Read the programming of your telephone at regular intervals to insure that PARTNER Extension Programming is in sync with the current programming of your telephone. PARTNER Extension Programming can become out of sync with the programming of your telephone if either of the following actions occurs:
You program your telephone via your telephone, instead of using PARTNER Extension Programming.
The System Manager programs your telephone via Centralized TTelephone Programming or System Programming.
Do not save any files as “attset.img.” PARTNER Extension Programming uses this filename to store the current programming of your telephone. Every time you modify the programming of your telephone, PARTNER Extension Programming updates this file. If you save a file as “attset.img,” you will cause PARTNER Extension Programming to become out of sync with your telephone.