Failure Code -121
Meaning: The PC and the PassageWay adapter cannot communicate over your serial port.
Things to Try: Follow the instructions for Failure Code 111.
Failure Code -131, -132, -133, or -135
Meaning: The PC cannot communicate properly with your PassageWay adapter.
Things to Try: Try replacing any
Failure Code -134 or -141
Meaning: The PassageWay adapter cannot communicate properly with your telephone.
Things to Try: Try replacing the
Failure Code -200 and above
Meaning: A conflict or application error has occurred which prevented Connect from operating your PC serial port.
Things to Try: Try closing all Windows applications except Connect and Windows Program Manager (for Windows 3.1 or later), and then try the test again.
You may need to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to eliminate this conflict.