3-78 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring WAN Access
Configuring MAXDAX
Configuring the MAX unit to directly map channels
To configure the MAX unit to map incoming calls to outgoing channel groups, without
specifying a Dial Plan profile:
1Open Net/T1 (E1) > Line Config > Line Config profile > Line N > Net2Net Incoming
2For each incoming channel you configure:
Set the Ch N parameter to Switched.
Set the Ch N Dest ChanGroup parameter to a value that matches the number of a
group you created by setting Ch N ChanGroup parameters as described in
Configuring channels on which the MAX unit sends outgoing calls on page 3-76.)
Set the Ch N #DialPlanSelDigits parameter to 0 (zero), so that the unit interprets none
of the called-number digits as the number of a dial plan.
3Exit the profile and, at the exit prompt, select the exit and accept option.
If the profile you have configured is not the active profile, activate it as described in
Activating a profile on page 2-7.
Configuring the MAX unit to use a specific Dial Plan prof ile
To configure a MAX unit to use a specific Dial Plan profile, you must first configure a
destination channel-group and then specify the Dial Plan profile. You must also configure the
specified Dial Plan profile if it has not already been configured. Proceed as follows.
1Open Net/T1 (E1) > Line Config > Line Config profile > Line N > Net2Net Incoming
2For each channel you configure in the Net2Net Incoming Calls profile:
Set the Ch N parameter to Switched.
Set the Ch N Dest ChanGroup parameter to a value that matches the number of a
group you created by setting Ch N ChanGroup parameters as described in
Configuring channels on which the MAX unit sends outgoing calls on page 3-76.
Set the Ch N Dial Plan # parameter to a value from 1 to 32. The unit uses the Dial
Plan profile you specify for the outgoing call.
3When finished configuring channels, save these changes and exit the profile.
If the profile you have configured is not the active profile, activate it as described in
Activating a profile on page 2-7.
To configure the Dial Plan profile:
1Open a System > Dial Plan profile.
The last two digits in the menu-item number of the Dial Plan profile must match the value
you specified for Net/T1 (E1) > Line Config > Line Config profile > Line N > Net2Net
Incoming Calls > Ch NDial Plan #.
2Set the Call-by-Call parameter to the PRI service to use for the outgoing call.
Call-by-Call does not apply to outbound calls on inband T1 lines.
3Set the Data Svc parameter to the data service to use for the outgoing call.
Data Svc does not apply to outbound calls on inband T1 lines.