Configuring WAN Access
Configuring IDSL connections
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 3-47
To instruct the unit to route calls to the IDSL card on the basis of the called number:
1Open a BRI/LT > Line Config > Line Config profile > Line N subprofile.
2Set Ans 1#, Ans 2#, or both to the called number that is dialed to reach the end users TE.
The Central Office (CO) switch must support DNIS, because the unit matches the DNIS
number of the incoming call to numbers specified by Ans N# parameters.
3Repeat step 1 and step 2 for each line that can receive calls that should be routed to the
IDSL card.
To instruct the unit to route calls to the IDSL card on the basis of the T1 channel on which the
unit receives calls:
1Open a Net/T1 > Line Config > Line Config profile > Line N subprofile.
2If a MAX unit should route calls received on a specific channel to the IDSL card, set the
appropriate Ch N Slot parameter to the IDSL cards slot number.
For example, if the unit is to route all calls received on channel 1 to an IDSL card in slot 7,
set Ch 1 Slot to 7.
3Repeat step 1 and step 2 for each line that can receive calls that should be routed to the
IDSL card.
If the profile you have configured is not the active profile, activate it as described in
Activating a profile on page 2-7.
Performing loopback diagnostics for IDSL
The MAX unit supports loopback tests from the unit to any device on the IDSL connection.
For example, you can loop back the signal from the IDSL card to the remote device, or from
the IDSL card to any intermediate repeater. For example, with the connection shown in
Figure 3-3, you could set up a loopback test from the unit to any of the ISDN repeaters, or from
the unit all the way to the remote device at the end of the connection. This ability enables you
to isolate trouble anywhere in the connection.
Figure 3-3. IDSL connection with repeaters
To configure a loopback test on the BRI lines supported by the IDSL card:
1Open the BRI/LT > Line Diag > Line Diag profile > Line N, subprofile for the line you
want to loop back.
2Set the EOC Address parameter to one of the following values to specify the EOC
Address of the device that is the terminating point for the loopback test:
0The remote TE or MAX unit.
1The repeater nearest the MAX unit.
26Subsequent repeaters. The next repeater after 1 is 2, and so on.
7All devices.
repeater 1
MAX with
repeater 2 ISDN
repeater 3 ISDN TE