Defining Static Filters
Applying a filter to an interface
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 15-29
Following is a RADIUS profile in which the TOS filter is specified within the profile:
jfan-pc Password="johnfan"
Ascend-Filter="iptos in dstip dstport=23 precedence
010 type-of-service latency"
Note: Filter specifications cannot contain newline indicators. The preceding example shows
the specification on two lines for printing purposes only.
Example of applying a filter to a LAN interface
Ethernet interfaces are connected routes, so call filters are not applicable. However, you can
apply a data filter that affects which packets are allowed to reach the Ethernet or leave the
Ethernet for another interface. A filter applied to an Ethernet interface takes effect
immediately. If you change the Filter profile definition, the changes apply as soon as you save
the Filter profile.
Note: Use caution when applying a filter to the Ethernet interface. You could inadvertently
render the MAX unit inaccessible from the local LAN.
The following parameters apply to a filter in a local network interface:
Mod Config
Ether Options