MAX 6000/3000 Network Configurat ion Guide Index-13
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), continued
overview, 8-1
route convergence, 8-1
routes, default preference, 9-56
security, 8-2
SPF algorithm, 8-3
stub areas, 8-6
topological database, 8-3
Ospf-Cost parameter, 9-57
outgoing fax
configuring, 7-7
OutOctets, 3-28
Output Filters (1-12) parameters, 15-5
overlap receiving
concept, 3-14
parameter, 3-14, 3-23
PAC (PPTP Access Controller), 11-27
configuring, 11-28
working as a MAX, 11-27
packet bridging, 2-5
Packet characters parameter, 4-84
Packet Wait Time parameter, 4-84
PAD (Packet Assembler/Disassembler), 6-11
data format/parity checking, 4-13
service signals, 6-21
PAD Alias #N parameter, 6-13
PAD banner msg parameter, 6-12
PAD prompt parameter, 6-13
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 2-4
authentication, 4-45, 4-78, 4-79
Par? command, 6-18
Parallel Dial parameter, 4-49
Passwd parameter, 4-85
Passwd Prompt parameter, 4-85
Password parameter, 11-7, 11-1 2, 11-18
password parameters
KeyID, 4-37
Recv PW, 4-20, 4-27, 4-29, 12-9
Send PW, 4-20
Password Reqd parameter, 4-92
OSPF routing authentication key, 4-37
Peer parameter, 4-73, 12-9
PHS (Personal Handyphone Service)
configuring, 3-34
PIAFS (Personal Internet Access Forum Standard), 3-34
Ping command, 9-9, 12-7
Plug and Play, 4-96, 9-19
Default Gateway, 9-19
Domain Name Server, 9-19
setting up, 4-99
PNS (PPTP Network Server), 11-27
Pool # N Count parameter, 9-10
Pool # N Start parameter, 9-10
Pool Only parameter, 9-11
Pool parameter, 9-32
Pool Summary parameter, 9-11
Pool#N Count parameter, 9-12
Pool#N Start parameter, 9-12
RADIUS examples, 9-38
RADIUS, defined in, 9-38
pools, RADIUS, 9-38
and slot numbering (MAX 3000), 3-3
and slot numbering (MAX 6000), 3-2
and slot specifications, 3-61, 3-73
diagnostics, 3-51
host, 3-60
numbers of common ports, 9-24
numbers, RFC 1700, 9-50
routing, exclusive, 3-62
Port profile
configuring, 3-50
parameters, 3-49
port routing, 9-27
configuring, 9-27
NAT, configuring, 9-27
NAT, single-address, 9-23
ports, disabling, 9-29
TCP-Clear destination, 4-81
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 4-2
authentication server timeout, 4-9
bridged connection, 14-3
configuring, 4-88
connections, 4-78
connections, async, 4-78
connections, authenticating, 2-4
connections, configuring, 4-43
dial-in for AppleTalk, configuring (Connection
profile), 4-73
dial-in for AppleTalk, configuring (Names/Passwords
profile), 4-73
IPXCP, 12-1
IPXWAN, 12-1
mode, 3-35
mode, configuring, 4-88
MRU, 4-44
negotiation, 9-23
outdial for V.110 modems, 4-46