Configuring Individual WAN Connections
Configuring MP, MP+ and BACP connections
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 4-53
Target Util=70
Idle Pct=0
The MP+ parameters
This section provides some background information about MP+ connections. For detailed
information about each parameter, see the MAX Reference.

Channel counts and bandwidth allocation paramete rs

BACP and MP+ use the same criteria for increasing or decreasing bandwidth for a connection.
For details about the bandwidth allocation parameters, seeThe MP and BACP parameters on
page 4-47 and Guidelines for configuring bandwidth criteria on page 4-49.

Auxiliary password for added channels

The Aux Send PW parameter can specify another password for authenticating subsequent links
as they are dialed. For details, see the MAX Security Supplement.

Bandwidth monitoring

In a Connection profiles Encaps Options subprofile, the DBA Monitor parameter specifies
whether bandwidth criteria for adding or dropping links are applied to traffic received across
the link, transmitted across the link, or both. If you set DBA Monitor to None on both sides of
the link, you disable bandwidth on demand.
Settings in a RADIUS profile
A RADIUS user profile can specify the following attributes:
Attribute Value
Framed-Protocol (7) Encapsulation protocol. MPP (256) indicates an MP+ connection
with another Ascend unit.
ype (239) Algorithm for calculating average line utilization (ALU) over a
certain number of seconds.
(171) Criteria for adding or subtracting bandwidth from the connection.
You can specify DBA-Transmit (0), DBA-Transmit-Recv (1), or
DBA-None (3). If both sides of the link have
Bandwidth-Monitor-Direction set to None, DBA is disabled.
nt (236) Number of channels the MAX can add at one time, subject to the
setting of the Parallel-Dialing parameter in the System profile.
unt (237) Number of channels the MAX can subtract at one time, dropping
the newest channels first.
ory (238) Number of seconds to use as the basis for calculating average line
utilization (ALU).
(240) Number of seconds for which ALU must persist beyond the
Target-Utilization threshold before the MAX adds bandwidth.