3-86 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring WAN Access
Configuring MAXDAX
Users specify which Dial Plan profile MAX 2 uses for their calls. In this example, the system
administrator configures two Dial Plan profiles, 31 and 32, and tells the users which profile to
use for specific destinations. Dial Plan profile 31 has the following configuration:
Dial Plan
PRI plan
Name=PRI plan
Data Svc=64K
PRI # Type=National
Transit #=
Bill #=
Dest #=14155551212
Because the system administrator specifies a Dest # value of 14155551212, the MAX 2 dials
that number to make the outbound call.
Example of MAXDAX configuration (E1)
This section describes one MAXDAX environment, including specific parameter settings.

Routing calls on the basis of the channel on which MAX 2 rec eives the call

This example illustrates a call-routing process for the MAX unit labeled MAX 2 in Figure 3-6.
The physical environment for this example is the same as displayed in Figure3-5, but MAX 2
routes calls on the basis of the channel on which it receives the call from MAX 1.
Figure 3-6 shows an example of a MAXDAX installation.
Figure 3-6. Sample MAXDAX (E1) installation
Pipeline 75
Video System A
Video System C
Serial line MAX 1 MAX 2
Video System B
Serial line