12-16 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring IPX Routing
Configuring IPX routing connections
Server Type=0004
Connection #=5
Following is a comparable RADIUS profile:
ipxroute-max-1 Password = ascend, Service-Type = Outbound-User
Ascend-IPX-Route=sitebgw 013DE888 000000000001 0451 0004
Note: The Connection # parameter in the IPX Route profile must match the number of
the Connection profile you configured for that site. If you specify the internal network
number of a server, make sure you specify values for Server Name and Server T yp e. If you
specify an external network, do not specify a value for Server Name or Server Type.
10 Exit the profile and, at the exit prompt, select the exit and accept option.
Configuring the MAX at Site B
On the MAX at Site B:
1Assign the MAX unit a system name in the System > Sys Config profile. This example
uses the name SITEBGW.
2Verify that the Site B MAX units Ethernet interface has a configuration defined for IPX
routing. (For instructions, see Enabling IPX routing in the MAX on page 12-5.)
3Verify that the Site B MAX units Answer > PPP Options profile enables IPX routing and
PAP/CHAP authentication.
4Open the Connection profile for Site A.
In this example, the Connection profile for Site A is profile #2. A profiles number is the
unique part of the number you assign in the Connections menu. For example, the
Connection profile defined as 90-102 is #2.
5Set up the Connection profile as follows:
90-102 #2...
PRI # Type=National
Dial #=555-1213
Route IPX=Yes
Encaps options...
Send Auth=CHAP
IPX options...
NetWare t/o=30
SAP HS Proxy=N/A
SAP HS Proxy Net#1=N/A
SAP HS Proxy Net#2=N/A
SAP HS Proxy Net#3=N/A
SAP HS Proxy Net#4=N/A
SAP HS Proxy Net#5=N/A
SAP HS Proxy Net#6=N/A