Configuring Individual WAN Connections
The Connection profile
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 4-41
DHCP options
DHCP is a TCP/IP protocol that enables a client to obtain a temporary IP address from a
central server (known as a DHCP server). The Ethernet > Connections > Connection profile >
DHCP Options subprofile includes the following parameters that define DHCP servers, IP
address pools and dynamic addresses:
Configuring a Connection profile
Following are the relevant parameters for specifying session time limits in a Connection
1Open Ethernet > Connections > Connection profile > Session Options.
2Set the Call Filter and Data Filter parameters to specify a number to apply to the
3Set the Filter Persistence parameter to specify whether or not the filter or firewall assigned
to a Connection profile should persist after the call has been disconnected.
4Set the Idle parameter to specify the number of seconds the MAX unit waits before
clearing a call when a session is inactive.
5Set the TS Idle Mode parameter to specify whether or not the unit uses the terminal- server
idle timer and, if so, whether both the user and host must be idle before the unit
disconnects the session.
6Set the TS Idle parameter to specify the number of seconds that a terminal-server
connection must be idle before the unit disconnects the session.
Acct-ID Base Whether or not the numeric base of the RADIUS Acct-Session-ID
attribute is 10 or 16. It controls how the Acct-Session-ID attribute is
presented to the accounting server; for example, a base-10 session ID
is presented as 1234567890, and a base-16 ID as 499602D2. You can
set this parameter globally and for each connection.
Parameter Specifies
Parameter Specifies
Reply Enabled Whether the MAX unit processes DHCP packets and acts as a DHCP
server on this connection.
Pool Number IP address pool to use to assign addresses to NAT clients.
Max Leases Number of dynamic addresses to assign to NAT clients using this
connection. When NAT is used, an initial dynamic address is
automatically assigned via the PPP negotiations. This value can be
used to perform address translation for a single client on the LAN.
When additional clients attempt to route packets through this
connection, they must first be assigned their own dynamic addresses.
The Max Leases parameter restricts the number of addresses to be
given out through this connect ion, thus limiting the number o f clients
on the remote LAN who can access the Internet.